Recent Publications in Ecotone, The Louisville Review, and Terrain
Thanks to the editors of Ecotone, The Louisville Review, and Terrain, where my essays and poems have recently appeared.
The Ecotone essay is titled “A Poem is its Own Animal: Poetic Encounters at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.” In it I reflect on my work as Poet in Residence at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. The essay is in Ecotone’s featured “Poem in a Landscape” series in the most recent issue (no. 21).
“Ghost-Birds” is a collaborative poem I wrote with Wendy Burk, originally written while we were artists in residence at Big Cypress National Preserve in southern Florida. This poem is included in the Fall 2016 40th anniversary issue of The Louisville Review.
Two poems and drawings from my Bycatch collaboration with Maria Johnson—“Shovelnose Guitarfish” and “Pacific Seahorse”—are up at Terrain.
Conferences and Presentations in Calgary, Portland, and Flagstaff
I’ve been up in Canada and the Pacific Northwest giving presentations at two conferences in late September/early October: the Under Western Skies Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, and the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
On Saturday 10/15, I’ll be at the Northern Arizona Book Festival in Flagstaff, taking part in a University of Arizona Press reading at Barefoot Cowgirl Books, 18 N. San Francisco St., from 3-4 pm.
Climate Change Interview
Leading into the University of Arizona Poetry Center’s series on Climate Change & Poetry, I was interviewed about climate change. Read the interview here.