Seminario Internacional “Geohumanidades, Arte y Biopolítica del Antropoceno”
I’ll be speaking at this cool international geohumanities seminar on 22 January
Sessions at 2018 AAG
I will contribute to a number of teaching-related sessions at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) conference in April 2018 in New Orleans. I am presenting a paper (“Southwestern Road Trip as Experiential Field Course”) in the “Experiential Learning in Geography Education” session on Tuesday, 10 April. I am also part of a panel on “Building the Geo-Humanities” on Friday, 13 April. On Saturday, 14 April, I am the discussant for a session on “Place-Based Pedagogy and Learning.”
Conferences and Presentations in Calgary, Portland, and Flagstaff
I’ve been up in Canada and the Pacific Northwest giving presentations at two conferences in late September/early October: the Under Western Skies Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, and the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
On Saturday 10/15, I’ll be at the Northern Arizona Book Festival in Flagstaff, taking part in a University of Arizona Press reading at Barefoot Cowgirl Books, 18 N. San Francisco St., from 3-4 pm.
Transdisciplinary Ecopoetic Actions
I’m looking forward to being part of a panel called Transdisciplinary Ecopoetic Actions at the 2015 Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) biennial conference at the University of Idaho. The panel is chaired by George Hart, and includes Matthew Cooperman, myself, Jonathan Skinner, Anna Lena Phillips, Heidi Lynn Staples, and Linda Russo. We’re on Saturday, June 27, at 10:30.